With staff support from CSG Midwest, state and provincial legislators come together to advance Great Lakes policies

Caucus approved five policy resolutions, policy agenda at Annual Meeting

September 15, 2023

In early September, legislators from both sides of the border traveled to Québec City for a one-of-a-kind event that explores Great Lakes-related policies and the role of state and provincial legislators.

The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Legislative Caucus meets in person once a year. With staff support from CSG Midwest, the GLLC also holds policy-focused institutes for legislators, tracks state and federal bills, holds web-based meetings, and gives members the chance to serve as a voice for the region on federal Great Lakes policy.

At this year’s GLLC Annual Meeting, members passed five resolutions, including policy statements on the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, climate resiliency and the Brandon Road invasive species project. The caucus also updated its strategic plan and policy agenda. Click the links below to learn more about actions taken at the recent meeting, as well as information about GLLC membership, which is free and open to all legislators from the Great Lakes states and provinces.

New GLLC policy resolutions »
GLLC policy agenda »
GLLC strategic plan »
GLLC leadership team »
How to join the GLLC »

CSG Midwest and the GLLC thank the Joyce Foundation, Charles S. Mott Foundation, Fred A. and Barbara M. Erb Family Foundation, Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation and National Assembly of Québec for supporting this year’s meeting and the continuing work of the caucus.