Policy Work

At CSG Midwest, we regularly research and write about key issues and trends impacting the region and state government. If you have a specific research question, please contact us by email or call us at 630.925.1922. In addition, please click on the links below to read our recent articles and reports.

Agriculture and Rural Affairs

The binational Midwestern Legislative Conference Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee provides a forum for state and provincial legislators to exchange information and ideas on policies related to agriculture, a critical sector across the MLC region. This committee also is exploring challenges and opportunities for rural communities in the Midwest. Its activities include ongoing policy research, agriculture-focused webinars and in-person meetings. Committee officers for 2023-2024 are Saskatchewan MLA Steven Bonk and Kansas Sen. Marci Francisco, co-chairs; and North Dakota Rep. Paul Thomas, vice chair. Legislators from the Midwestern states and four Canadian provinces serve on the committee. The MLC Agriculture & Rural Affairs Committee will next meet in conjunction with the 2024 Midwestern Legislative Conference Annual Meeting, which will be held July 21-24 in Columbus, Ohio. A preliminary committee agenda is now available: 2024 committee meeting agenda » The CSG Midwest staff liaison for the committee is Becky Leis. The committee last met at the 2023 MLC Annual Meeting in Detroit.

Criminal Justice and Public Safety

Established in 2017, the binational Midwestern Legislative Conference Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee explores a range of issues, including: sentencing reform; strategies to reduce recidivism; the role and use of specialty courts; alternatives to incarceration; police and community relations; victims’ rights; and more. Legislators from the Midwestern states and four Canadian provinces serve on the MLC Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee. Committee activities include ongoing policy research, webinars and in-person meetings. The committee officers for 2023-2024 are Nebraska Sen. John Cavanaugh and Wisconsin Sen. Jesse James (co-chairs) and Ohio Sen. Michele Reynolds (vice chair). Legislators from the Midwestern states and four Canadian provinces serve on the committee. The MLC Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee will next meet at the 2024 Midwestern Legislative Conference Annual Meeting in Columbus, Ohio, which will be held July 21-24 in Columbus, Ohio.  A preliminary committee agenda is now available: 2024 committee meeting agenda » The CSG Midwest staff liaison for the committee is Myles Moore. The committee last met at the 2023 MLC Annual Meeting in Detroit.

Economic Development

CSG Midwest regularly tracks and reports on state-level issues and strategies related to economic development and, more broadly, the Midwest’s economy. It also provides staff support to the binational Midwestern Legislative Conference Education and Workforce Development Committee. Part of the work of this committee touches on key components of economic development, including state strategies to reduce workforce shortages as well as to prepare young people and current workers for success in today’s economy. About the MLC Education and Workforce Development Committee »  

Education and Workforce Development

The binational Midwestern Legislative Conference Education and Workforce Development Committee provides a forum for state and provincial legislators to exchange information and ideas on education and the career pipeline. The committee’s work includes hosting education-focused webinars and in-person policy sessions. Committee officers for 2023-2024 are Ohio Sen. Hearcel Craig and Wisconsin Rep. Joel Kitchens (co-chairs) and Minnesota Sen. Heather Gustafson (vice chair). Legislators from the Midwestern states and four Canadian provinces serve on the committee. The MLC Education and Workforce Development Committee will next meet in conjunction with the 2024 Midwestern Legislative Conference Annual Meeting, which will be held July 21-24 in Columbus, Ohio. A preliminary committee agenda is now available: 2024 committee meeting agenda » The CSG Midwest staff liaison for the committee is Derek Cantù. The committee last met at the 2023 MLC Annual Meeting in Detroit.


CSG Midwest regularly reviews and writes about state legislative activity on elections. CSG also has an Overseas Voting Initiative, the goal of which is to help states and election jurisdictions advance policies that assist members of the military serving abroad and other U.S. citizens residing overseas.

Energy and Environment

The binational Midwestern Legislative Conference Energy and Environment Committee was established in late 2022 and met for the first time in July 2023 in conjunction with the Midwestern Legislative Conference Annual Meeting. The group’s activities include developing policy resources as well as holding in-person and web-based events for legislators to exchange ideas and learn about key developments and innovations in the areas of energy and the environment. The committee officers for 2023-2024 are Illinois Sen. Laura Ellman and Indiana Rep. Ethan Manning, co-chairs; and Ohio Rep. Sharon Ray, vice chair. Legislators from the Midwestern states and four Canadian provinces serve on the committee. The MLC Energy & Environment Committee will next meet in conjunction with the 2024 Midwestern Legislative Conference Annual Meeting, which will be held July 21-24 in Columbus, Ohio. A preliminary committee agenda is now available: 2024 committee meeting agenda » The CSG Midwest staff liaison for the committee is Jon Davis. The committee last met at the 2023 MLC Annual Meeting in Detroit. CSG Midwest also provides staff support to two other groups related to energy and environment issues: the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Legislative Legislative Caucus and the Midwestern Radioactive Materials Transportation Project.

Fiscal Affairs

The Midwestern Legislative Conference regularly tracks and reports on issues related to state budgets and fiscal policy. Additionally, it typically holds a roundtable discussion and session for the region’s fiscal leaders at the MLC’s Annual Meeting. It will do so again in conjunction with the 2024 Midwestern Legislative Conference Annual Meeting, which will be held July 21-24 in Columbus, Ohio. The MLC’s goal is to provide a forum for state and provincial legislators to exchange information on fiscal conditions in the region as well as to learn about best practices in budget management. This work is led by Kansas Rep. Troy Waymaster and Minnesota Rep. Fue Lee. For information, please contact CSG Midwest director Laura Tomaka. 2024 Fiscal Leaders’ Forum meeting preliminary agenda »

Great Lakes

CSG Midwest provides staff support to two binational, interstate groups related to the Great Lakes and/or the environment: the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Legislative Caucus and the Midwestern Legislative Conference Energy and Environment Committee

Health and Human Services

The binational Midwestern Legislative Conference Health and Human Services Committee provides a forum for state and provincial legislators to exchange information and ideas on a range of critical policy issues. CSG Midwest’s staff liaison to the committee is Tim Anderson. Committee activities include ongoing policy research, webinars for legislators and legislative staff, and in-person meetings. The committee officers for 2023-2024 are Kansas Rep. Susan Concannon and Illinois Sen. Julie Morrison, co-chairs; and South Dakota Rep. Taylor Rehfeldt, vice chair. Legislators from the Midwestern states and four Canadian provinces serve on the committee. The MLC Health and Human Services Committee will next meet in conjunction with the 2024 Midwestern Legislative Conference Annual Meeting, which will be held July 21-24 in Columbus, Ohio. A preliminary committee agenda is now available: 2024 committee meeting agenda » The CSG Midwest staff liaison for the committee is Tim Anderson. The committee last met at the 2023 MLC Annual Meeting in Detroit.

Midwest-Canada Relations

Created in 1991, the Midwestern Legislative Conference Midwest-Canada Relations Committee ensures that the perspective of state and provincial legislators is presented to federal officials. It does so through meetings with officials in Washington, D.C., and Ottawa as well as with policy resolutions and occasional letters and public comments. Another mission of this committee is to provide a cross-border forum for dialogue and information sharing. To that end, it organizes legislative exchanges between state and provincial legislators. Legislators from the Midwestern states and four Canadian provinces serve on the committee. The committee officers for 2023-2024 are Manitoba Minister Kelvin Goertzen and Michigan Rep. Amos O’Neal, co-chairs; and North Dakota Rep. David Monson, and Ontario MPP Ernie Hardeman, co-vice chairs. The MLC Midwest-Canada Relations Committee will next meet in conjunction with the 2024 Midwestern Legislative Conference Annual Meeting, which will be held July 21-24 in Columbus, Ohio. A preliminary committee agenda is now available: 2024 committee meeting agenda » The CSG Midwest staff liaison for the committee is Mitch Arvidson. The committee last met at the 2023 MLC Annual Meeting in Detroit.

Radioactive Waste Transportation

The Midwestern Radioactive Materials Transportation Project and the Midwestern Radioactive Materials Transportation Committee is a joint project between CSG Midwest and the U.S. Department of Energy. Since its inception in 1989, this project has helped state governments in the Midwest learn about and provide input into the DOE’s plans for shipping radioactive materials through the region. The cooperative agreement has also enabled states on the shipping routes to receive financial assistance from the DOE in order to prepare for shipments.  

State Governments & Legislatures

CSG Midwest regularly tracks and writes about important institutional issues and trends in state government and legislatures. CSG also annually produces “The Book of the States,” the long-running “encyclopedia” of state governments that is a valuable reference tool for policymakers and research scholars.

Passenger Rail

CSG Midwest provides staff support to the Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail Commission, which brings together state leaders from across the region to advocate for passenger rail improvements. CSG Midwest also tracks and writes about other transportation-related legislative activity and trends in this region.