Economic Development and Infrastructure

In late 2024, the CSG Midwestern Legislative Conference established the binational Economic Development and Infrastructure Committee. This newly formed committee of state and provincial legislators will foster the exchange of information and ideas on a wide range of issues, particularly those identified by the committee’s legislative officers and members. It will be made up of legislators from the states and provinces that are part of CSG’s Midwestern Legislative Conference. Legislators are appointed to the committee by legislative appointing authorities as well as leaders of the MLC; the appointment process is now underway.

Committee activities are expected to include a mix of policy research, committee-sponsored webinars for legislators and legislative staff, and in-person meetings.

The first meeting of the MLC Economic Development and Infrastructure Committee will be in July 2025 in conjunction with the MLC Annual Meeting in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. More details on this meeting, as well as other committee activities for the 2025-2026 biennium, will be available soon.