Improving Educational Opportunities and Outcomes for Incarcerated and Ex-Offender Populations

Co-hosted by the MLC Economic Development Committee and the MLC Criminal Justice & Public Safety Committee
For incarcerated individuals and those transitioning to re-entry, having access to education opportunities has shown to dramatically reduce criminal recidivism while also improving economic opportunities for ex-offenders. This virtual event explored the link between education and successful re-entry, along with strategies to improve offenders’ chances of finding meaningful employment before and after their release.
Improving Educational Opportunities and Outcomes
Nina Salomon
Program Director, Corrections and Reentry
Council of State Governments Justice Center
Adult Public High School
Traci Berry
Superintendent of Schools
Goodwill Excel Center, Central Texas
The Evolution and Expansion of Michigan’s Vocational Village Programs
Robert McGeorge
Assistant Education Manager
Michigan Department of Corrections