MLC Forum on Social Justice Webinar Series
The Midwestern Legislative Conference Forum on Social Justice presented a 4-part webinar series. Dates and topics are listed below.
Criminal Justice (Part 1 – Overview)
On March 18, 2022, the MLC Conference Social Justice Forum hosted the first of a two-part criminal justice & police form webinar.
More information, slidedecks and recording
Inequities in Education
On April 8, 2022, the Midwestern Legislative Conference Social Justice Forum hosted a webinar examining some of the key racial, ethnic and socioeconomic disparities in education, as well as some of the most promising tools and strategies states can use in an effort to advance equity in education.
Racial Disparities in Public Health
On April 29, 2022, the Midwestern Legislative Conference Social Justice Forum hosted a webinar that looked at racial disparities in public health and healthcare, with an emphasis on the social determinants of health and strategies to ensure equal access to essential healthcare services. Participants also discussed state efforts to address the causes of systemic inequities.
Criminal Justice (Part 2 – Police Reform)
On May 13, 2022, the Midwestern Legislative Conference Social Justice Forum hosted final webinar in the series focusing on issues related specifically to policing and will include a look at recent and continuing state efforts to reform police procedures and practices.