Upcoming Event

2024 MLC Energy & Environment Committee Meeting


July 21, 2024 9:00 a.m. –
July 24, 2024 3:30 p.m. CT

Columbus, Ohio

In conjunction with the 78th Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Legislative Conference (MLC) in Columbus, Ohio, the MLC Energy & Environment Committee will meet on Sunday, July 21, in Columbus, Ohio, host a site visit on Monday, July 22, and hold a policy session on Tuesday, July 23.

The July 21 meeting — open to all MLC Annual Meeting attendees — will feature a presentation on recent state legislation and regulation of “forever chemicals” known as PFAS (or PFOA), and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s new standards for them. It will also include time for legislators to learn from each other during a roundtable discussion of energy and environmental policy in the states and provinces.

In partnership with the MLC Agriculture & Rural Affairs Committee, the committee on July 22 will also host A) a site visit to the nearby Madison Fields solar project, which came online earlier this year, and B) The Ohio State University’s Molly Caren Agricultural Center. Note: both close-toed footwear and separate registration are required; please contact Jon Davis, jdavis@csg.org or (630) 925-1922, to reserve a seat or for more information.

The committees are also jointly sponsoring a July 23 policy session that will explore results of the U.S. Supreme Court’s pending rulings on the Chevron doctrine, which is used by the federal courts to determine when to defer to an administrative agency’s interpretation of the statute it administers.