Past Event

Child Welfare, Reimagined: Policy Workshop for Midwest’s Legislators



This event gave participants the opportunity to explore state laws, programs and investments that support families and safely reduce foster care populations.

Open to all legislators from the region, this policy workshop was held as part of a partnership between The Council of State Governments’ Midwestern Legislative Conference (MLC) and Casey Family Programs. It was held June 6-7, 2024.

Kansas Rep. Susan Concannon and Illinois Sen. Julie Morrison presided over the event as co-chairs of the MLC Health & Human Services Committee.

Participants learned and collaborated with fellow legislators from the Midwest as well as policy experts in the areas of child welfare and foster care. The goal of this workshop was to provide legislative attendees with information and inspiration to lead policy advances in their states. It focused in particular on strategies to support families and safely reduce foster care populations.

View the agenda