Youth Apprenticeship: Building Opportunities for the Next-Generation Workforce

Hosted by the MLC Economic Development Committee in partnership with MLC Education Committee as part of the “Promoting Growth and Shared Prosperity for a Better Midwest” webinar series.
States increasingly are looking to expand the reach of apprenticeship programs, a proven strategy that connects people with work-based programs that allow them to “earn while they learn.” Youth apprenticeship is one area of particular interest as policymakers explore ways to address workforce shortages and prepare students for postsecondary success. In this web-based session, organized by the Midwestern Legislative Conference Economic Development and Education committees, participants learned about innovations in youth apprenticeship and promising state programs in the Midwest.
The Partnership to Advance Youth Apprenticeship: Origins & Learnings to Date
Taylor White, National Director
Partnership to Advance Youth Apprenticeship, New America
Kelly Vedi, Senior Policy Analyst
Center on Education & Labor, New America
Youth Apprenticeship in Michigan
Stephanie Beckhorn, Deputy Director, Employment and Training
Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity
Iowa Youth Apprenticeship
Linda Fandel, Governor’s Liaison
Future Ready Iowa
Kris Byam, Coordinator, Registered Apprenticeship Program
Iowa Workforce Development
Wisconsin Youth Apprenticeship
Amy Phillips, Wisconsin Youth Apprenticeship Coordinator
Department of Workforce Development Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards